Hi, I’m Egor 👋

I’m a Data Scientist, Writer and YouTuber living in London.

Dishing The Data is my weekly newsletter sharing experiences, interests and other topics in data science, tech and business.

We cover a range of things here, including career advice, technical breakdowns, and productivity, so you can expect something new and exciting every week.

This newsletter is currently read by 2,500+ friends, including data scientists, software engineers and even dentists, and I am very excited to have you on board!

Me making pasta in Florence, Italy!

Welcome Gift! 🎁

As a thank you, you will receive my FREE data science resume template in PDF and LaTex format immediately after you subscribe!

Check your welcome email for the template :)

About Me 🙋‍♂️

My online writing journey started in October 2021 on Medium to help me learn and understand more about data science, statistics and machine learning.

Since then, I've written 130+ articles covering various technical subjects, offered data science advice, and explored career-related topics. I also have a YouTube channel where I give specific advice and roadmaps on how to break into data science.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me on Twitter or LinkedIn or reply directly to subscriber emails.


If you are interested in sponsoring this newsletter see here and contact egorhowellbusiness@gmail.com.

DISCLAIMER: The content on this newsletter is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not professional advice. Views are my own and do not represent the opinions of my current or past employer or any organisations I am associated with.

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Thoughts, learnings and insights from a data scientist.


Data Scientist, Technical Writer & YouTuber